All participants, including delegates, staff, advisors and observers, are expected to adhere to appropriate standards of professionalism, integrity, and respect throughout the conference. We aim to create a safe, comfortable environment for our delegates and staff to have a fun and productive conference. Our policies are laid out below.
1. Faculty Advisors and Observers
Faculty advisors are required to accompany their respective delegations and provide guidance. They are responsible for ensuring their delegation's adherence to conference policies.Observers may include non-delegate students, university staff, or external guests such as volunteers and parents. While they do not actively participate in committee sessions, they are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with conference policies and not interrupt any ongoing committees.
2. Conference Attire
3. Behavior and Language
3.1 Professionalism
Participants must uphold the principles of professionalism, including punctuality, active engagement, decorum and a commitment to the conference's educational objectives.
3.2 Respectful Communication
Delegates are expected to communicate respectfully, avoiding offensive language, discrimination, or any form of harassment. Disagreements should be expressed diplomatically. Should participants be unable to resolve disputes in a civil and respectful manner, they are instructed to seek out conference staff to manage the situation.
3.3 Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution
Delegates should engage in diplomatic dialogue, seeking constructive solutions to global issues. The conference emphasizes collaboration and compromise; delegates will be analyzed based on their ability to cooperate diplomatically and strategically while working towards the best outcome for their delegation.
3.4 Prohibited Behaviors
Prohibited behaviors include but are not limited to plagiarism, cheating, and any form of disruptive conduct. Violations will result in disciplinary action. Behaviors that are endangering, offensive, hostile or otherwise inappropriate will not be tolerated and will result in expulsion from the conference and a report made to the delegates’ advisor and emergency contact, as well as any other appropriate authorities.
4. Conference Venue Rules
4.1 Venue Access
Access to committee rooms and other conference facilities is restricted to registered participants with valid credentials. Unauthorized access may lead to disruptions and warrant removal from the space.
4.2 Session Etiquette
Participants must maintain decorum during committee sessions, refraining from disruptive behavior, side conversations, cross talk or the use of electronic devices for inappropriate purposes.
4.3 Technology Policy
RAMMUNC is a technology free conference. All participants are expected to engage in committee without the use of smart technology such as cell phones, laptops, iPads / tablets and smart watches. Any participant found to be misusing technology during committee sessions may face consequences. Participants are allowed to prepare and research using any technological resources outside of active committee sessions, but may not use technology otherwise.
4.4 Respect for Property
Respect for university property and conference materials is expected. Any damage caused by a participant may be the financial responsibility of the individual or their delegation.
4.5 Prewriting
Delegates may not come to committee with any prewritten materials such as draft resolutions or directives. We encourage research, so items such as notes, ideas, and speeches are acceptable. However, any products that are written or worked on outside of committee session and arrive ready to submit will not be permitted and will result in removal from awards consideration.
5. Alcohol and Substance Use Policy
The consumption of alcohol and the use of illicit substances are strictly prohibited during conference sessions and within Virginia Commonwealth University premises. Violations will result in immediate removal from the conference and reporting to the advisor and emergency contact of the student.
6. Conference Policies Acknowledgment
By registering for this conference, participants acknowledge their understanding of and agreement to abide by these conference policies.
Violations of conference policies may result in warnings, sanctions, or expulsion from the conference, depending on the severity and nature of the offense. Participants may also face the consequence of being disqualified from award consideration for policy infractions. The decisions of the conference organizers are final.
7. Misconduct Reporting Form
Should any participant or advisor feel the need to report any conduct offenses or infractions that occur throughout the conference or during associated events, such as conference social events, they are able to do so here. No participant is obligated to include their personal information if they’d like to remain anonymous. All are encouraged to seek assistance from conference staff to manage any potential conflicts throughout RAMMUNC if they have concerns.